8 Growth Hacking Tools for Cannabis/CBD/Hemp industry

The key to having a successful business is to make sure that the Growth phase never leads to maturity and decline. Let’s hack our way into growth with this webinar. 

Whether you are an entrepreneur, founder, or running digital marketing campaigns for Cannabis / Hemp / CBD Brands; implementing, optimizing & tracking the performance of campaigns is not always easy. Spokes Digital has spent more than 5 years in the Cannabis space to understand what separates a successful implementation of a digital marketing program from hiccups & failures. Varun has spent a lifetime in this field & last 15 years exploring what makes a brand successful in the digital space. Lauren has spent more than 25 years consulting large brands to become successful including creating Roadmaps, proven processes & techniques for ensuring the client’s success.

We will discuss 8 Growth Hacking tools that have made exponential growth like achieving 800% ROAS possible for our Cannabis Clients. Let’s hack our way to exponential growth with the following objectives.

  • Why aren’t we seeing expected growth?
  • Ensuring success on customer’s 5 step Journey
  • Key things you must do & tools you must use to avoid failure of Digital Marketing campaigns
  • Key things you must do to increase returns & profits
  • Proven Case Studies of successful Cannabis brands

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