We are thrilled to announce that Spokes Digital has been named one of the top marketing agencies in the USA by Clutch. Out of the 119 companies that were selected, we have been ranked #6 overall!
Clutch is a B2B ratings and reviews site based in Washington DC. They rate businesses based on market presence, thought leadership, and client reviews in categories by service focus and location. We’ve been a top performer in our areas of expertise since joining Clutch, which is no small feat, given the competition.
In addition to our exceptional marketing skills, we are listed as one of the top 10 shopify developers in the USA and India on Clutch’s main site! We hope this demonstrates the versatility of our skills.

Clutch understands the importance of client satisfaction. That’s why they conduct in-depth interviews with a business’s past clients, getting first-hand information on the quality of the work, communication, and final product.
One client commented: “Spokes Digital is exceptionally responsive and easy to work with.”
In addition to its main service, Clutch also has two sister sites, The Manifest and Visual Objects, which are each meant to focus on a different way for customers to choose the best business for their needs.
The Manifest provides short summaries of a business’s services, costs, and biography so that visitors can quickly compare various options in the same service category. Check us out on The Manifest’s list of the top blockchain companies in India.
Visual Objects features portfolios of creative and design agencies, allowing customers to browse visually, seeing which company’s style fits them the best.
We would like to thank all of our clients for working with us and getting us to where we are today. We can’t wait to continue growing our presence on Clutch.